This week was a bit slower than previous (I pushed 24 commits, total 70) since I needed to introduce some graphical user interface. I went with NanoVG library, which lets me draw basic shapes and text. There’s a new top bar with essential information about the city. You can place buildings now. I worked a bit with geometry to make a foundation for zoning (you assign a zone, e.g. residential, and people build if you provide media, low taxes, etc.).
Video preview
I will have to start talking about these features to let you understand what’s going on 🙂
- Buildings of different size, geometry methods to prevent collisions
- Placing buildings by hand, buildings of different height
- Time passing in turns
- Introduced UI library
- Top bar with basic info
- Pause state
Code repository
Repo is publicly visible, watch or star in the sidebar. Github URL is Comments on code are welcome; it helps me improve the project. Try to build yourself! Also, I’m positively surprised someone reads the code 🙂 Thanks to chyla@github.
Windows x64: Konstruisto v0.0.0-3bc106d DEBUG WINDOWS
Linux x64: Konstruisto v0.0.0-3bc106d DEBUG LINUX
Esc - pause state Q, E - rotate view Left click and drag - place building Right click and drag - move view Mouse scroll - zoom N - toggle normals ~, 1-3 - change time speed Ctrl + 1-9 - set new buildings height
Next week
I didn’t have time to start the asynchronous simulation; I still read a book on parallel computing. I would like to start that (and finish the book 🙂 ). I will go back to rendering and start roads implementation.
Kurcze, fajnie to wygląda! Już po tygodniu coś widać, da się klikać i nawet odpowiada na akcje użytkownika. Super!
Tak technicznie to piszę 15 dni 🙂 Pierwszy, ośmiodniowy tydzień policzyłem jako #0 bo budowałem podstawę silnika i zrobiłem trochę recyklingu z poprzednich projektów.
Doskonałe podsumowanie tygodnia. Świetnie zaprezentowałeś swoje postępy. Takim sposobem obawiam się, że projekt skończysz przed czasem (tj. końcem DSP2017) ;p
Brawo, tak trzymać!