Every Friday I will post updates of what I did. I started eight days ago (so it was longer than a week) and pushed 46 commits (changes) to the repository. The project went from a triangle to buildings.
Video preview
- Project and dependencies setup
- State manager – currently not used, but will come in handy for main menu, settings, and other screens
- Logger
- Camera and input handling
- Basic renderer for chunked terrain (first textures ever) and buildings in flat shading manner (will have to add SSAO)
- Selecting fields with mouse, rendering selection on terrain
- Normals preview for debugging
- Linked UI library
Code repository
It is an open source project; you can find Github repo here: https://github.com/kantoniak/konstruisto. Feel free to build and try, comment on the commits or participate in any other way. I write a game for the first time, so any tips are welcome.
If you don’t know how/don’t want to build, there are x64 binaries for Windows and Linux. I hope everything works fine, please let me know of any problems.
Windows x64: Konstruisto v0.0.0-6386289 DEBUG WIN
Linux x64: Konstruisto v0.0.0-6386289 DEBUG LINUX
Q, E - rotate view Left click - select Right click and drag - move view Mouse scroll - zoom 1 - toggle normals
Next week
I would like to think of simulation part, starting with time speed. I need a little framework behind this. Another thing is geometry – buildings of different sizes, checking for collisions. Also, I wrote a lot of bad code; I would like to refactor it a bit.
Plus for Linux implementration.
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