Konstruisto: Week #4 – Roads once more, buldozer tool

This week was pretty tough on me, so the update comes late. I made a bulldozer tool for buildings. All the buildings in selected area will get removed. I added the executable icon, which is also visible in the window title. There’s new menu to choose the tool, I have to create some decent icons since temporary ones are awful 🙂 Pushed 14 commits, total 121.

The more I work on roads, the more I realize it’s quite a complicated system. Currently placing roads work more or less, there are some minor bugs with collisions and rendering doesn’t work quite good. I will work on this along other features to move forward.

March Summary

Despite some problems at the end of the month, I’m still impressed with the number of things I could do in four weeks. I would say I’m a bit behind schedule, but many things can be reused, and I hope to catch up later.

In April, I want to finish an MVP: place roads, place zone, buildings grow. All of this working with money flow. There are some things to polish, too.


  • Application icon
  • Tool switcher
  • Place roads with mouse
  • Bulldozer tool

Code repository

Go and see https://github.com/kantoniak/konstruisto. You can build from there or download binary release below. There are Star and Watch buttons in the sidebar (right).


Windows x64: Konstruisto v0.0.0-9f49fab DEBUG WINDOWS
Linux x64: Konstruisto v0.0.0-9f49fab DEBUG LINUX


Esc - pause state
~, 1-3 - change time speed
Ctrl + 1-9 - set new buildings height
Q, E - rotate view
G - toggle grid
N - toggle normals
Z, X, B - switch tools
Left click and drag - place building
Right click and drag - move view
Mouse scroll - zoom


--fullscreen - run in fullscreen mode
--width=XXX - set inital window width
--height=XXX - set inital window height

Next week

I will start zoning. I want to create simulation framework, so that building infrastructure will cost something, finally.

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